Safe Work Spaces

Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention for Employees (SWSE2024)


A safe workplace includes more than physical safety. This training provides the knowledge and strategies that can help employees to support the prevention of workplace harassment and violence, as well as providing information on what can be done if it occurs.

Average time to complete course: 45 minutes - 1 hour

Format: online with interactive components

Available in English or French.

This training is FREE for employees.

Created in partnership with the University of Prince Edward Island's Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development with funding provided by the Government of Canada's Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund.

  • Introduction to Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention
  • Understanding Workplace Harassment and Violence
  • Tools and Strategies for Responding to Workplace Harassment and Violence
  • Preventing and Reporting Workplace Harassment and Violence
  • Scenarios and Taking Action
  • Final Quiz and Survey
  • Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Training Employee Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years